Tuesday, October 16, 2012

John 16:24

I had a bad week. Many things happened, one after another. Its like you are trying to cover a leakage and before you succeed, the other end starts leaking else well. I will share in greater details in my next post, but for today, let us confirm this message. I find it very relevant, very straight forward, simple to understand. Maybe we have heard this message at lot of times until we grew tired of it, but sometimes, it is the simplest truth that we failed to confirm and therefore hindering us from knowing more. The following message is translated from the Everyday Emmanuel today. 
Receive Great Joy from Going Into the Truth
Have you ever asked yourself when are you most joyful? For a born again Christian, his most joyful time will be when he understands the will of God. It is the same as when a child is able to listen to his father's voice, then he will be most comforted and joyful. Like a sheep, when it is able to hear the voice of its shepherd, it will feel safe. 
Lets ask ourselves this question, " Where do all my pain, suffering and hatred come from? "
 Actually, it is not the problem or the situation that has cause the suffering but it is due to the fact the we are unable to hear God's voice in the midst of our problem that has caused the pain in us. There are some young people who are going through break up, they questioned " Why God allows me to go through such pain and what is His perfect will for me?". Or those who have failures in their life, they too will ask similar questions.For the child of God, their real pain is a result of not knowing the God;s purpose for allowing them to go through certain trials in life.
So, God has given us the Holy Spirit in us to teach us all things in life. The Holy Spirit guides us and helps us understand the perfect will of God in our problems so that our joy be will satisfied. In John 16: 13 But when he, the Spirit of truth, comes, he will guide you into all truth. He will not speak on his own; he will speak only what he hears, and he will tell you what is yet to come. 16. Jesus went on to say, " In a little while you will see me no more, and then after a little while you will see me." ( Here, it implies that God has His timetable) 23 that day you will no longer ask me anything. Very truly I tell you, my Father will give you whatever you ask in my name. (after we have understood) 24 Until now you have not asked for anything in my name. Ask and you will receive, and your joy will be complete.
So here comes the question, how will I be able to know and understand God's perfect will in my problem?
Firstly, the will of God will be understood when we confirm God's words. The key word here is confirm. When God says that He loves and guides you, whatever that He has given you is the best- have you ever confirmed His words? Have you ever confirmed that with your past and see His guidance? Have you confirmed before that it is your past failures, struggles that has brought you before God ?  Your confirmation will help you see and understand His perfect will.
Secondly, God has a blessed timetable. Our Lord says that we have to wait. But most of the time, we harbor an unwilling heart to wait or a frustrated heart when we are told to wait, that's why we fail to see what God has already accomplished or fulfilled.  Or our lack of faith that has make it hard for us to understand His will. If only we are willing to wait upon the Lord, then we will slowly begin to understand Him. It is very important that during this process we must continue to be submissive. When God ask us to wait, He wants us to wait submissively not wait unwillingly. This is very important because it is through being submissive that we will be able to understand His plan for us more clearly. They are people who get disappointed with God and themselves. Some might claim that they are willing to wait but in the process, they refused to pray, go to church and communicate with brethren. They have harden their hearts towards God. 
Most of the time, God's perfect will cannot be understood simply or instantly. When we serve and shepherd others, we will be able to know His will better. Jesus asked us to ask whatever in His name and it will be given to us- in this context, it means that we would be able to understand His will after that. Only at that time, our joy will be complete. Then what does it mean by in my name?  When we submit, confirm and wait upon the Lord , we will be able to receive the true answers. God has already given us the Holy Spirit so that we will be able to understand all things in Him. May you and I be diligent in confirming the Truth. God bless!

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